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Study Guides are printed (or digital) books designed to accompany your study of Scripture in the First 5 app. They include daily study questions for each chapter, culture and historical backgrounds, beautifully designed verses and more. You can use it as a standalone study, or as an accompanying guide to the daily content within the First 5 mobile app.

“I believe God is real, but I just don’t know if He really cares about me.”

Do you ever see God moving in other people’s lives and wonder why He isn’t doing the same for you?


Is there something wrong with me?
Am I not praying the right prayers?

Does He not see me suffering through these things?


But what if witnessing God move in others’ lives is our proof that He is still a miracle-working God? A God who doesn’t just hear but acts. A God who doesn’t just see but rescues. This is where the book of Daniel shines. It’s an account of the Lord doing mighty things over and over again, building our confidence not just in His power but His personal care toward us. While you wait on answered prayers or even hope for a miracle, the book of Daniel will quiet your fears and anxieties as you remember the God you have working on your behalf.

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A Simplified Guide Through the Lord’s Prayer. What if peace is just one prayer away?

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More Study Guides

The Thoughts We Think, The Words We Speak

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1 & 2 Kings: A Story of God’s Grace for a Rebellious People

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The Gospel of Mark

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Opposition and Opportunity: The Books of Ezra & Nehemiah

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What a Mess: A study of the Book of Judges

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Colossians: How to Know the Truth in a World of Divided Opinions

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